Davis County Testing Center

Professional Accreditation
20 N 600 W, Kaysville, UT 84037

Services Area


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Open hours

Thursday8 AM–4:30 PM

Friday8 AM–4:30 PM



Monday8 AM–4:30 PM

Tuesday8 AM–4:30 PM

Wednesday8 AM–4:30 PM


Providing you with reliable appraisal services

The Davis County Testing Center, located in Davis, Utah, is a County government office that offers a range of testing services. The center provides a convenient and efficient environment for individuals to take their required exams. With its dedicated staff and modern facilities, the Testing Center ensures a smooth and organized testing experience for all visitors. The center is known for its friendly and helpful staff who are always available to assist with any questions or concerns. Overall, the Davis County Testing Center is a reliable and efficient option for individuals in need of testing services.

One of the main advantages of the Davis County Testing Center is its convenient location in the heart of Davis, Utah. This central location makes it easily accessible for residents of the county and surrounding areas. Additionally, the center offers a wide variety of testing services, catering to different needs and requirements. Whether it's a professional certification exam or a standardized test, the center is well-equipped to handle a diverse range of testing needs. Visitors to the center appreciate the modern facilities and comfortable testing environment, which helps create a stress-free and focused atmosphere.

Another notable aspect of the Davis County Testing Center is its efficient and streamlined processes. The center has implemented online registration and scheduling systems, allowing individuals to conveniently book their tests in advance. This helps minimize wait times and ensures that the testing process is as efficient as possible. Furthermore, the center is known for its prompt and timely delivery of test results. Visitors can expect to receive their scores or certifications in a timely manner, allowing them to move forward in their academic or professional pursuits. Overall, the Davis County Testing Center provides a smooth and hassle-free experience for individuals seeking testing services.

scorescorescorescorescore4.9 / 5
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