Memphis Tennessee Department of Justice

Professional Accreditation
200 Jefferson Avenue, Memphis, TN - 38103

Services Area


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Providing you with reliable appraisal services

The Memphis Tennessee Department of Justice is a federal agency responsible for upholding and enforcing the law in Tennessee. With a dedicated team of professionals, they work tirelessly to ensure justice is served and the rights of citizens are protected. Their commitment to fairness and integrity is evident in every case they handle.

One of the key strengths of the Memphis Tennessee Department of Justice is their expertise in criminal investigations. Their skilled investigators employ the latest techniques and technologies to gather evidence and build strong cases against offenders. This not only helps in ensuring the guilty are held accountable, but also acts as a deterrent for potential criminals.

In addition to their criminal investigation abilities, the Memphis Tennessee Department of Justice also plays a vital role in maintaining law and order within the community. They work closely with local law enforcement agencies to coordinate efforts and respond to emerging challenges. This collaboration has proven to be highly effective in addressing issues such as drug trafficking, organized crime, and illegal firearms possession.

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Pro Bono Services

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Pro bono legal services are a critical part of ensuring access to justice for all, regardless of income. The legal system can be complex and difficult to navigate without professional help, and legal representation can be expensive. Pro bono work helps to bridge this gap, providing legal assistance to those who might not otherwise be able to afford it.

Pro Bono Services

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Learn why pro bono attorneys provide free legal services and how they make a difference in the community.

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