New Madrid County Courthouse

Professional Accreditation
450 Main St, New Madrid, MO 63869

Services Area


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Open hours

Tuesday8 AM–4:30 PM

Wednesday8 AM–4:30 PM

Thursday8 AM–4:30 PM

Friday8 AM–4:30 PM



Monday8 AM–4:30 PM


Providing you with reliable appraisal services

The New Madrid County Courthouse is a vital government office in the community of New Madrid, Missouri. With its grand architecture and historical significance, it serves as an iconic symbol of justice and governance. The courthouse is well-maintained and provides a professional and efficient atmosphere for conducting county business. The staff members at the courthouse are courteous and knowledgeable, always ready to assist visitors with their inquiries or legal needs. The various county services offered at the courthouse are comprehensive and accessible, ensuring that the community's needs are met. Overall, the New Madrid County Courthouse is an essential institution that provides essential services to the residents of New Madrid, Missouri.

The New Madrid County Courthouse stands as a testament to the rich history and culture of the region. Its striking architectural design and imposing presence make it a true landmark in New Madrid, Missouri. Stepping inside, one is immediately greeted by an air of professionalism and dedication to public service. The courthouse staff is highly qualified and goes above and beyond to assist residents with their legal matters. The services offered at the courthouse are diverse, ranging from marriage licenses to property records, making it a one-stop destination for all county-related needs. It is evident that the New Madrid County Courthouse is committed to serving the community and upholding the principles of justice.

The New Madrid County Courthouse is an impressive government building that guarantees efficient county operations and the fair dispensation of justice. The magnificent architecture and attention to detail in its construction make it a notable attraction in New Madrid, Missouri. The courthouse is kept in pristine condition, reflecting the professionalism and responsibility of the county officials and staff members. The range of services provided at the courthouse is extensive, catering to the diverse needs of the community. Whether it is filing legal documents or seeking guidance on county regulations, residents can rely on the knowledgeable and friendly courthouse personnel. The New Madrid County Courthouse is undeniably an invaluable asset to the community.

scorescorescorescorescore4.5 / 5
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