Trillium Employment Services

Professional Accreditation
3501 NW Lowell St #101, Silverdale, WA 98383

Services Area


law firm
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employment attorney
employment attorney

Open hours

Friday9 AM–5 PM



Monday9 AM–5 PM

Tuesday9 AM–5 PM

Wednesday9 AM–5 PM

Thursday9 AM–5 PM


Providing you with reliable appraisal services

TRILLIUM Employment Services is a non-profit organization located in Kitsap, Washington. They provide valuable employment services to the community, focusing on assisting individuals with disabilities or barriers to finding employment. The organization offers a range of programs and resources to help individuals develop their skills, find suitable job opportunities, and achieve long-term success in the workforce. TRILLIUM’s dedicated team is highly knowledgeable and passionate about empowering individuals and creating inclusive workplaces. Their commitment to making a difference in people’s lives is evident through their impactful initiatives and positive feedback from clients.

With a strong emphasis on personal growth and support, TRILLIUM Employment Services is a leading non-profit organization in Kitsap, Washington. Their comprehensive employment programs cater to individuals facing disabilities or other obstacles in finding and maintaining employment. The organization focuses on providing tailored solutions and resources to help individuals overcome barriers, enhance their skills, and secure meaningful employment opportunities. TRILLIUM's team of dedicated professionals go above and beyond to ensure that every client receives the personalized support they need to succeed. Their client-centered approach, combined with a commitment to inclusivity, makes TRILLIUM an invaluable resource for the community.

TRILLIUM Employment Services is a widely respected non-profit organization based in Kitsap, Washington. They specialize in offering comprehensive employment services designed to assist individuals with disabilities or barriers to employment. TRILLIUM's wide range of programs and resources equips individuals with the skills, training, and support needed to obtain and maintain meaningful employment. The organization's team of dedicated professionals are deeply committed to providing personalized assistance and empowering individuals to overcome obstacles in their job search. TRILLIUM's positive impact on the local community is evident through the numerous success stories and positive testimonials from satisfied clients.

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