York City Human Relations Department

Professional Accreditation
101 S George St, York, PA 17401

Services Area


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Open hours

Wednesday8 AM–5 PM

Thursday8 AM–5 PM

Friday8 AM–5 PM



Monday8 AM–5 PM

Tuesday8 AM–5 PM


Providing you with reliable appraisal services

The York City Human Relations Department is a vital resource for the community of York, Pennsylvania. With its commitment to promoting equality and combating discrimination, the department plays a crucial role in ensuring a fair and inclusive city for all residents. Through its various services and programs, such as mediation and education initiatives, the department aims to address and resolve conflicts related to housing, employment, and public accommodations. The dedicated team of professionals at the department is known for their expertise and responsiveness, consistently working towards fostering harmony and understanding in the community.

One of the remarkable aspects of the York City Human Relations Department is its proactive approach in building relationships between different racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. By organizing events and workshops that encourage dialogue and cultural understanding, the department effectively promotes unity and cooperation in the city. Additionally, the department is committed to providing accessible and reliable information to the public regarding their rights and resources. The comprehensive website and knowledgeable staff offer valuable guidance to individuals facing discrimination or seeking advice on fair housing practices.

The York City Human Relations Department has been highly effective in resolving disputes and complaints, ensuring that all parties involved are treated with fairness and respect. Mediation sessions conducted by the department have proven successful in reaching mutually agreeable solutions, preventing costly and time-consuming legal battles. Moreover, the department has established strong partnerships with community organizations, further enhancing their ability to address systemic issues and promote social justice. Overall, the York City Human Relations Department has proven itself to be an invaluable asset to the city, advocating for equality and fostering a harmonious and inclusive environment.

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