York County Domestic Relations

Professional Accreditation
45 N George St #2, York, PA 17401

Services Area


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Open hours

Wednesday7:30 AM–4:30 PM

Thursday7:30 AM–4:30 PM

Friday7:30 AM–4:30 PM



Monday7:30 AM–4:30 PM

Tuesday7:30 AM–4:30 PM


Providing you with reliable appraisal services

York County Domestic Relations is a highly efficient and effective county government office that serves the residents of York, Pennsylvania. The staff at this office is extremely knowledgeable and dedicated to providing excellent service to the community. They take their role seriously and strive to ensure that all domestic relations matters are handled with professionalism and care. The office is well-organized, and the staff is always willing to assist and guide individuals through the process. Overall, York County Domestic Relations is a reliable and trusted resource for anyone in need of domestic relations services.

One of the best aspects of York County Domestic Relations is their commitment to timely and accurate processing of cases. They understand the urgency of domestic relations matters and work diligently to ensure that all paperwork is handled promptly. The staff is well-trained and capable of navigating complex legal processes, which helps streamline the overall experience for individuals seeking assistance. Additionally, the office maintains a high level of confidentiality, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected throughout the entire process. This level of professionalism sets York County Domestic Relations apart from other county government offices.

Another commendable aspect of York County Domestic Relations is their emphasis on offering support and resources to individuals involved in domestic relations cases. They provide valuable information and guidance on various topics, including child custody, child support, and visitation rights. The staff is always ready to answer questions and provide explanations, ensuring that individuals fully understand their rights and obligations. This proactive approach creates an environment of trust and support, making it easier for individuals to navigate the complexities of the legal system. York County Domestic Relations is truly a valuable asset to the York community.

scorescorescorescorescore4.0 / 5
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